Learn to Manage 
Your Waste

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Your Habits

Gain the knowledge to responsibly dispose of your household waste.

Your Impact

Learn where your waste goes, and how your habits affect the planet.

Discover Alternative Methods

Make small swaps to make a big impact.

about us

Our Mission

Waste and rubbish is something every person produces, and handling it in a sustainable way is imperative to the wellbeing of our planet and our everyday lives.

Our mission is to inform you on how to best and most sustainably manage your waste in your everyday life. It is our hope to help you make a positive and tangible change on your habits in the greater effort to

contribute to reducing our impact as a community on our planet.

This is an educational campaign run as a project from the Swinburne University of Technology.

Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date with the campaign and information on how to revolutionise waste disposal habits in your life!


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